2024 CORX Event 7 at Honor Spdwy

Ok, so I didn’t win… but I am so happy after this race. The Mk4 crew of Ian, Dan, and myself came home with a win in PF (Dan), 2nd in SF (Ian), and 3rd in SF (me). What a race, we got 10 runs in. 5 morning course, and 5 afternoon course. Also, check out the video… I finally made a rig to capture the audio of the TDI and the little turbo that could.

Limits were pushed, cones killed, but we could not keep up with the Civic SI. Mid morning sessions I coached Ian on clutch kicking a FWD car, and before I knew it he was faster than me in it. This makes the bicycle guide in me so happy. I love teaching and witnessing people go faster for it. I am having such a great season, and looking forward to more racing on dirt.

2024 CORX Event 6 at PPIR

I missed Event 5 for the epic Eurotrip. No regrets. I am guessing that 1,600km of driving the Autobahn in Germany rubbed off on me as I finally got my first RallyCross Win! Stock FWD class is always fiercely competitive. I lovingly call that class a knife fight to carve out a podium in. This event was my event to take top honors.

Ian and I are really adept at making the 440k mile TDI dance in the dirt. The only thing separating us on this day was one bad run where the car lost power, stalling out before the finish on Ian. It was a sharp turn into deep dirt, so it was an easy pitfall to step in. The course was short, fast, and props to the CORX staff for even racing at all as timing was out. We did timing via stop watches. Which was wild. Long, hot day, but glad to come home with the W.

2024 CORX Event 4 at Honor Spdwy

I finally just shut out all distractions and just drove my race. Margins were razor thin between 2nd and 6th for Stock Front Wheel Drive class. We also got another 9 run race over the fast and short course. The key was to be on the right side of risk/reward as the 3x.xxx second course, a 2 second cone penalty killed you.

This mental approach, and staying ice cold net me another podium, taking 2nd place. If I can continue to push without letting any pressure get into my helmet, 2024 could be a great year for me in Rallycross. Double podium as Dan pulled 3rd in Pueblo.

Both Mk-4 VWs were co-driven this weekend. Alex, Dan’s son had his first race ever in the GTI. The kid can wheel, he wasn’t far off pace for the weekend, and he’s still on a learners. He is jumping into the most competitive class, packed with drivers at the top of their game. What better environment to get good.

2024 RMTT Event 3 PMP

RustBucket is running great. The driver on the other hand, is just not firing on all cylinders this race. Pueblo in June is a track that gets hot. When it gets hot, you just can’t get the grip and power that a cold track delivers. Time just falls off.

I started the day, just not feeling it. I drove conservatively, and slow. I was 3 second off my personal best, definitely not driving to what I am capable of. On a positive note, I got it together on my later sessions on track. Breaking into the low 1:52s which, while being 2 seconds off my PR, was 1&2 seconds faster than what I have previously put together on a hot, greasy track.

Maybe next time I’ll get into the 1:4x.xxx times… But not today. I left Pueblo Motorsports Park with another 10th place finish, 12th in points in Production C class. You know it’s a hard race when you put together a fire edit for the video… and lose all your clips but one mismanaging your video files. OOF.

2024 CORX Event 3 at Honor Spdwy

The one that got away. Dan, Ian, and I all were just a bad run or two away from a win. This race was crazy close in the final results. What’s wild is because it was Memorial Day weekend, attendance was low, so instead of the usual 6 runs, we had 9. The competition in Stock FWD class is just that good. 2nd to 4th was only separated by 2 seconds. I was just over .5s off of 2nd place.

The Mk4 squad all won stages (runs) along the day. I won the 1st and 8th runs. Dan took wins on runs 4,5 & 8. Ian won stage 3. It was really just cones here and there, and a simple mistake that kept us out of a win. The 2024 season is shaping up to be fierce, with every position being hard fought. I made a good showing of it, nabbing 3rd. This is my first podium of the 2024 season. Also my first RallyCross podium since the Labor Day RallyCross double header before Nationals last year. So it feels good to be back on form, and see that my friends are in shape to win one of these in 2024. Enjoy the highlight reel below…

2024 Slush Festival at PPIR

I’ve been driving RustBucket competitively for about 6 years now. This non-competitive hotlaps, drag, drift, and show festival is just what the doctor ordered. It felt so good to catch up with all my favorite fans, rivals, drifters. It was also good fun to share the track with everyone, even if sharing the track with everyone… really makes you appreciate your Time Trials competitors.

The weather was amazing. I spent the day in the TJRC & RMTT display. May have skipped out for lunch to get parts for my drifter buddy and have a nice lunch with the ladies at RedLeg. Dan was also invited to drive and show with TJRC. Turned out to be perfect chakedown for his GTI build. I’m seriously considering bringing Dan & Ian into the z3rocar website to cover all our wild racing antics.

2024 RMTT Round 2 PPIR

Full course racing at PPIR. This is the first track I have ever raced competitively at, and sadly it has been a long time since I was last around the Roval. How do I mark the occasion, by being the sickest I have been in years. I wasn’t going to let that, or the wet weather keep me off the track, nor the track curbings. Note to safety, curbs can’t be slippery if your tires go airborne over them. Especially after missing round one to being late replacing bushings and a wheel bearing.

New classes are power to weight, and it seems like Production C class casts a wide net. The front running cars, I could have been Senna, and not been close to the 1:02 class winning time. I did however set a new personal best at PPIR. I finally got my 1:07, and it was a low 1:07.384. That’s a full .783 faster than my GridLife time around the circuit.

I could only endure two of the three competitive sessions over that cold. Reno, Ian, and I were the talk of the race. Our 1:07.3xx times separated us by as little as an inch, and no more than 70 inches across the line in three very different cars. Newer Miata in 8th, MR2 in 9th, RustBucket in 10th. Tight margins and full sends, this 2024 season is going to be so good. Chef’s Kiss , we’re going to be serving up more, stay tuned.

2024 SCCA CORX Event 2 PPIR

I was having a morning. I forgot the numbers. My GoPro8 refused to work at all. My OG GoPro had a corrupted SD card. My camera mount brace straight up didn’t work. To be honest I just wasn’t feeling the morning course. I found myself in a rut mentally. It was so bad that I even got lost on my first run.

Sometimes you have to just feel that. Stay smooth, stay positive, focused, and attack the course a little better each run. This event was the first time I ever worked start, and that completely changed my energy. Next time I’ll remember my cowbells. COWBELL STARTS!!! I launched every car like it was a fighter off the deck of an aircraft carrier. It was so freaking rad.

The stoke stuck. I came out for the afternoon sessions with a vengeance. I nearly clawed my way back to a podium. Stock FWD class is just so tight with the competition. Two races, two fourth place finishes, two SCCA trophies. Props to Ian, this scrappy little TDI got fight.

2024 SCCA CORX Event 1 PPIR

And we’re back. I got another invite from the absolute legend Ian to copilot the 440k mile Mk4 TDI Jetta. Changing conditions, and changing weather were the least of our worries. This event threw the kitchen sink at us, we spun, debeaded, had timing issues, locked up, this event truly tested our rallycross expertise. The two of us handled it masterfully.

On the driving front, I am having the same issues I had last year. My analytical mind starts slow then builds into fast times towards the end. This is seen in my podium for run 3 and class win in run 6. Good for time trials or autocross, but those first runs kill me in rallycross where every run counts. I start the 2024 season with an SCCA CORX trophy with my 4th place finish.

Ian had a rough day, but I’m certain he’ll win or podium this season. I think the reruns and issues had him overdriving a little. The last two rally events showed what he is capable of, a podium at the season finale, and near win in the snow time trial. It will come together, and I’m here for it.

SCCA Roaring Fork Snow Time Trials

This event was wild! Part RallyCross, part time trials, on snow! I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m glad I ventured out. For this event I would be running the SkiWagen. This car is my daily, an IS38 tuned AWD VW AllTrack wagon. There were just 3 classes at this event, 2WD, 4WD, and Side by Side. We ran the same course that FAT festival ran just a couple weeks prior. It was good fun sliding about in the groomed snow.

My daily was out of its league in 4WD class. I got stomped by prepared Subaru rallycars. Mostly cause the VW traction control would say “NEIN” to any drifting shenanigans. It would seriously cut power and stop the car while I’m mid Colin McRae. Competitiveness aside, I had a blast. It was so cool seeing the wide variety of cars we all came to play with in the snow. Got to see my CORX and RMTT friends. It was great. Oh, and Ian got another podium in the TDI, just missing out on the win by .07 seconds!

SCCA CoDiv Time Trials #5 LaJunta

Season finale, and this would be my first time ever at LaJunta Raceway. I gotta admit, from the track layout, I wasn’t expecting much. Just 7 turns on a piece of abandoned runway/taxiway, but… this is my new favorite track. It was so much fun, and I was knocking on a sub 1 minute lap. My best time was 1:00.651 which was 2nd place in Unlimited, good enough for 2nd place in the Championship!

I did it! My first season of Time Trials racing! I earned 3 podiums at 3 tracks! Also managed to take 2nd in the championship! What an amazing rookie season. More amazingly, I got to do it with the greatest cast of characters a man could ask for. I’ll be back, not for the glory, but to just go fast with friends. Come on out and join us in 2024!

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 10

This is it. Season finale for the 2023 Colorado RallyCross season. I did not wake up on the side of the bed that had pace for this race. Ian, on the other hand… holy cow! I found myself a little out of contention all day. Afternoon session began and the assessory belt exited chat. Power steering would work, then di, work, then die, I fought the car to the finish line for that 1st afternoon run. We ran the TDI without the belt for the rest of the event, but I would find myself in 5th.

Ian got his first podium. The TDI tires were melted of tread. No power steering. I watched him drift a FWD car through the tightest course of the year, flawlessly, without power steering. Absolutely manhandled that diesel car through the course. While I had a rough race, falling to 4th in the championship. I was proud to see Dan and Ian on podium. We locked 3rd to 5th in the championship, as rookies! Not a bad season at all.

2023 SCCA RallyCross Nationals

Road Trip!!! Dan and I hit the road to Topeka KS, for National level competition in the little Mk4 GTI. As rookies, I would 100% endorse going to Nationals if you have the chance. It is a good reality check of what makes a driver/car competitive in RallyCross. A great festival of all the different SCCA divisions across the USA.

I also have to say that Nationals is completely different than what local ,or regional competitions put together. The courses were fast, I mean flat out. All that tight, precise, technical driving that we excelled at in CORX, went right out the window. Going that fast, and taking those risks, was addictive.

Day one went smooth with Dan and I just outside the podium. Our first runs were off pace, but we caught right back up on the rest of them. I accounted for the only incident, debeading a tire at nearly 60mph on entry. Fortunately, they grant you 1 re-run per event for mechanical issues, so it didn’t impact my overall time.

I went for it all on the first run of the finals. Sent it way too hard, and completely missed the second to last gate. I couldn’t go home, and not try to podium. I had to send it. I rallied back, and took 5th, Dan got 4th. Nationals was a really great trip. Lots of racing, Topeka has really good food. Should have taken more time off work though. It was a lot to race and then drive home. Enjoy the highlights, and race rundown below.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 9

Second day of the double header and I’m driving with Dan today to get a little practice in the GTI before Nationals. Yes, you heard right, we are going to compete against the best rallycross drivers in the country. This is our rookie year, are we even ready for this?

The answer is a resounding yes. I swept a fresh course in the morning session. My run #1 was a full 3 seconds off pace. However, I would win 3 of the day’s 6 runs, and narrowly miss out on my first win. I fought Brett hard for it, but taking 2nd is my highest ever finish. I’m thrilled. My driving and tactics are right. Bring on Nationals. Dan also had a stellar performance, we double podiumed as he took home yet another 3rd place trophy.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 8

It has been a long time, but we are back to PPIR. The set-up at PPIR makes me excited, as the large space lends itself to near rally stage courses. I expect to go fast, for things to get tight, and to be a little scared. Which is good cause for me that focuses the mind to go even faster. The risk drives me to be bettter.

Stock FWD class in Colorado is intensely competitive. Strong drivers in fast cars across the entire field. You can be slightly out of the podium, and one mistake from last place at the same time. The racing is seriously close.

I would drive hard this event, focused on trying to take 3rd in season points, best I could do was take 4th on the day. However, going into the double header, I currently have 80 points, which is good enough for 3rd!!!

SCCA CoDiv Time Trials #4 HPR

I made a few upgrades to RustBucket. Some improvements to the front aero package, removed the rear diffuser which was falling apart, and a good bit of maintenance. While the car felt better, yellow flags, and high temps really kept me from making improvements to my time.

I still set a personal best of 2:14.568, which is only a tenth faster, but improvement in the face of difficult track conditions. I think there is a lot more time in the current set up. On track I felt like I had a lot more confidence around High Plains. I pushed it enough to put a few tires off. I argued 2, but the marshals called 4. Gotta find the limit somehow.

All in all it was a great weekend with friends. Different cars and drivers came out to this race, so I came home in 2nd place in Unlimited 2 class. Another podium for the rookie year. First season of Rocky Mountain Time Trials and Colorado Rallycross is going quite well.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 7

We have found our pace. Dan, Ian, and I took turns setting top 3 fastest times in every run in Pueblo. With Dan and I both topping the time charts for the 2nd & 3rd of the AM sessions. One cone penalty (2 seconds) separated 2nd through 4th on Sunday. Again, as a team we held 3rd through 5th… and… Drumroll… I nabbed my first podium!!!

The course was a shorter one for us, but it had a good blend of high speed, and technical elements, while giving all of us a chance to drift. The dust roost photos from this event are absolutely epic. Be sure to give @hiddenworldracing a follow on Instagram. Excellent rallycross content.

Speaking of photography / videography, we played with a really cool camera mount. A long tripod that mounts off the back and filmed the race in 3rd person POV. While we still need to make some tweaks, the footage shows promise. So enjoy my hero run from the 2nd run of the day, this is the one where I topped the time charts and briefly led overall.

SCCA CoDiv Time Trials #3 HPR

That 4am alarm was rough. However, the long drive out east of Denver was actually really nice. The rolling hills and farms made me nostalgic of summers spent in southern Missouri as a kid. This was my first time at High Plains Raceway. After trying it out, and binning the car in the simulator, I was dreading it. Elevation changes, blind apexes, off camber turns. First laps out there, and the reality was a pleasant surprise.

High Plains Raceway was buckets of fun. The course seems to reward Cisu, and you’ve really got to commit to speed. On the straights, the higher powered cars I was up against would vanish into the horizon. However, in the turns, I’d reel them right back in. RustBucket is dialed. Zach at ProForm hooked me up with a hybrid drift/grip set-up which makes the car turn like a go-kart. Turn in, power down, neutral position slides all day.

I could not compensate for the lack of straight line speed like I could a Pueblo. Maybe it was that it was my first time, and didn’t gel as well as I have with PMP. More than likely its just limitations of a lower HP car. Couldn’t care to be honest. I was on track with Dan and Ian, and we were all having a blast with racecars. I managed 6th place in Unlimited 2; running a 2:14.651 in my third session. The next Time Trials returns to HPR for round 4… so bring it on.

SCCA CoDiv Time Trials #2 PMP

RustBucket is back on track… Life got in the way of event #1 in La Junta. I was fortunate enough to be able to get back out there for event #2. Pueblo Motorsports Park is one of my favorite tracks. Good elevation change and flow, it is just a lot of fun to drive. This is a big step for me, trying a whole season of full-course time attack competition. Let’s see how this pans out.

First runs were stratifying the cars. I managed to stay patient, pass when I got a chance, and set a few clean laps. A 3rd place finish in Run Group 2 set me up well for the day. Second runs were even better. The car ahead of me wanted to see my lines, so they let me pass before the green. I had clean air and won that run group.

The final, third run was fun. The remaining cars & drivers all bundled up into one group, I came out swinging, and drove to a personal best 1:50.962, a full three seconds faster than the October race at PMP. Fuel is making it to the engine with the new lines, rail and regulator. However disaster struck. Three laps in the passenger rear wheel hub failed and I had to get towed off the track, and back home to Colorado Springs.

It was a pricey tow, but it wasn’t the end of the world. RustBucket will get fixed and I’ll be back. I managed to do well. I took 3rd place in Unlimited 2 class. So, good points and a good start competitively. I plan to fix the car. Make some adjustments. Should be a great season. Stay Tuned.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 4

Travelling down south to Pueblo to go intentionally race in the dirt. Not just sail into it at 90mph like the last time I visited. I finally got an opportunity to codrive with Dan in his Mk4 GTI. Those old Volkswagens are just a hoot to drive in dirt. They love it.

I wasn’t particularly fast this weekend. I leaned too much into driving clean and consistently. Probably didn’t help that I was first on course. As corner workers we try, but as cones get killed, the gates open up a little bit. In particular a final series of cones before the finish were a chokepoint for me, but fairly open for Dan. Either way he straight up out drove me this event.

We came home 5th (Dan) and 6th for me. Which is good. We are learning, and that gap between us and the front runners is getting smaller. Dead serious, get yourself a beater and just get out there on the dirt. It is perhaps the most fun per dollar you can have in motorsports.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 3

Dan enters chat and saves the day!!! My friend Dan got himself a cheap Mk4 GTI and joined us out on the dirt. I truly hope he runs the whole season with us. I’m head over heels for RallyCross racing.

Sunday’s course was the polar opposite of Saturdays. This course was long, fast, and tight, with elevation change. We were hauling on Sunday. Things came up fast, the car would slide, the course would evolve and change, it was wild.

The field for this race would be a lot bigger than the first day of the double header. The weather was way better. However, I found myself in the mix with a 6th place finish. I learned a lot from my previous outings and talked to the RallyCross racers for some tips.

Turns out a lot of us AutoCross / Time Attack racers have that fatal flaw of going for hero laps. RallyCross is meant to simulate Rally, so all the cones are meant to be safe versions of trees. Also, every run counts, so each cone penalty comes back to haunt you. I kept it clean, driving at about 90%. This paid dividends. I was fast, consistent, had a blast out there.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 2

It was snowing when I drove to PPIR. It was carnage. People had spun, crashed, and yeeted themselves off the highway. However, this is Colorado, and this is Rallycross. So, we sent it. The day started in a mud bog, then it rained, then it dried out.

I started the day in second. My first run through the mud bog, was just slow, consistent, and ironically my fastest in the morning mud. The other morning runs, I tried to send it, got stuck, and lost gobs of time. By afternoon I was well out of contention. But that’s just how you learn.

I wish I could say my driving got better in the afternoon… but I had way more grip than my mind was ready to deal with and I killed every inside cone. I would be the conekiller for Stock FWD class. I racked up 14 seconds in penalties in the afternoon alone, 18 seconds total. Which doesn’t help when you’re already behind.

With the comedy of errors, I can’t complain about taking 6th. Ian managed a cool 5th. Ian was actually just a few ticks off a podium. I was ummm not, but OMG did I have a smile on my face. Enjoy the footage.

SCCA Colorado RallyCross Event 1

First race of 2023 is on… dirt?!?!? Stay tuned cause I’m shaking things up for 2023. I got a message from a good friend and rival Ian Cook. We’ve pushed each other to 11/10ths and some seriously fast times on track for years now. He has a 440k+ mile TDI Mk4 Jetta, with some cheap snow tires, so naturally he wanted to try Rallycross in it. I got invited to codrive it with him. Who turns down the opportunity to go rallying. You may notice the picture is not a VW Jetta… I was having so much fun… I forgot to take pictures. But we did get some really good GoPro videos.

The racing was intense. Both of us had a learning curve. My first run was a full ten seconds slower than my last. In Rallycross every run, every mistake counts. The course changes. Ruts dig in, corners get blown out, safety has to change the gates. It is a cumulative racing experience where it is more about being adaptive and consistent than single run pace. Event 1 had us in 7th and 9th. However, discount the learning curve and we are deep in the mix. I expect this to be an excellent season,

I also want to take a moment to talk about the scene. Autocross, and Time Attack can bring out the egos, and the wallets. The Rallycross scene was way more relaxed. There are the serious rallycars, and ridiculously fast drivers. The vibe however is just a bunch of drivers having fun. I’d say what Ian built is the sweet-spot. Sub $1000 car, cheap snow tires, send it. If you love shitboxes, you gotta get to your next local rallycross race, cause they’re everywhere and it’s awesome.

Oh and don’t worry about finding an AWD or RWD car… you can absolutely drift and underpowered FWD car. Throttle lift oversteer can substitute a lot of braking, making for surprisingly consistent drifts while holding momentum. Just get out there and send it.

Inaugural GridLife Regional Pueblo Motorsports Park

Plot Thickens - The organizers of GridLife are working with the management of Pueblo Motorsports Park to stage a regional series that would feed drivers and teams into the national series that current exists. I have never run Pueblo Motorsports Park before, and there was no way I was going to miss this.

Let’s start with the track. Pueblo is just over 2 miles long, has a long front stretch, good elevation changes, and a variety of challenging corners. This track just jumped to the top of my favorite tracks that I have driven. Only because for most of the track there is plenty of run-off… so you can send it… which yours truly tried out himself.

The competition was fun. Drivers were mostly chill, fast, and quite skilled. We were all pushing it hard and feeding off each other’s lap times. For my first time out there, I broke the 2:00 marker. I did much better than that eventually running a 1:53.1 which was way faster than anticipated in RustBucket.

I led Group C for the Warm-up session. Then I went full send on cold tires, missing the marshall’s stand by less than 3’ for a DNF in the first session. I managed to put the exhaust back together, clear the car off to win the second session. My friend Ian then took off after a spin of his own and set a 1:50.xx time which was impressive, so I didn’t win every session. He is my favorite rival, definitely pushes me to be better. This push led to my first full course win in TrackMod in Pueblo. So lean into those who make you better.

I am addicted. Full course is where it is. Look for a completely different season of racing in 2023…

2022 Slush Motorsports Fall Festival

I thought I missed this event when I sold my ticket for the June event to go to Normandy. However, the organizers managed to put a Fall event on the books. SO happy to get out there with RustBucket in front of that crowd and bring a lot of positive exposure to SoCo Euros TractionFaction, TJRC, and Proform.

No competition, just drive fast and have fun. If we are being honest, this festival is great and terrible at the same time. Great in that, if you want to get out and play; you simply can’t buy cheaper track time. No license, no experience, just $60 and go send it. Terrible, because of exactly that. Either way it was PPIR, hours of open track time. How do you not leave with a smile on your face.

The unregulated nature of this event led to the swapping of keys. I got to drive a Z3 hardtop coupe. I also got to let a friend, who has attended every GridLife and been there since day one of RustBucket take her out for a spin. This is what motorsports should bring out of us. A sense of community and shared adventure. Slush was most certainly a community playground and I look forward to the next one.

PPIR Track Attack 2022 Event 8

Season finale. I showed up with my GridLife updates and a fresh set of Falken 615 tires. RustBucket put down great times in the cones and secured a top 5 standing in season points. I mean it was exactly 5th in a 32-driver field for LT class in 2022. I finished 9th in a Golf-R sandwich between my friend Dan and another R. It was good to see Dan get into a rhythm and start crushing it out there. I will post this 2023 season spoiler, RustBucket will not return for PPIR Track Attack. If I do come back it will be with Kylie in her Beetle for some on track driver training. The build is very track focused, and Auto-X is just a not a good fit for what the car is truly good at.

2022 GridLife Alpine Horizon Fest

I matured more as a driver at this event, than any event I have ever attended. I invited Dan & TJRC along as crew. I was tactical with my sleep and rest, when I stayed at track, when I went home for good sleep and a solid meal. Being my 4th GridLife, I applied many lessons.

I still have a lot to learn about racing Time Attack. I worked hard to get my car safe and ready for the event. However, with my Grandfather’s funeral the week before, I missed bolt check. Let me tell you this, you don’t want to drop a brake caliper at 95 mph in NASCAR 1. I can’t be too hard on myself though. I was juggling a lot, and fortunately had TJRC in my corner, and we were up and running for passenger laps.

Racing in the rain was always on my bucket list. I did get to do the Nürburgring in the wet, but that wasn’t full competition. I learned that as long as there is not standing water on the track, that 200tw race tires are way faster than deep grooved all seasons. As long as they stay warm, they’re tacky.

That 1:07.xx time is still out there. I got frustratingly close again. Finally killed those RE-071 tires chasing it too. Passenger laps however, are the greatest thing ever. Come to GridLife next year, come find me, I’ll take you out in RustBucket to chase some drift cars and hit the banking at 95-100 mph.

I can’t recommend GridLife enough. The music, the friends, the drinking and passing out in a hammock on Pit Road. Just come out and have fun. Big thank you to James White, Dan Sanford, and the TJRC crew. Y’all made this Alpine Horizon the absolute best.

PPIR Track Attack 2022 Event 7

There are some events that you just don’t want to talk about. This is one of them. It was one of my worst track performances in RustBucket. The great thing about racing is, even when you’re not out there crushing every apex and destroying your competition… you’re still having a good time.

PPIR Track Attack 2022 Event 6

The Top 10 finishes keep coming. I managed to pull out a 7th place finish in Event 6. Still waiting for my new shift linkage to arrive, so I just took it carefully on my 2-3 shifts. Got me through the event without an issue today. Dan was nipping at my times, and ahead of me through the day. I managed to barely cut ahead with a hero 4th run. I probably only have another race or two until he figures that golf R out and he gone, lol. It is really good to have a buddy out on track. I’m pretty sure we are witnessing the actual start of TractionFaction as a team.

RustBucket is still the knife in a gun fight. That’s just part of the process. Work on seat time and driver’s mod in the meantime, while having a blast. I am still waiting on parts and saving up to spring for more upgrades to RustBucket. I’ve revised my goals for 2022 to just getting her full course ready. Rollbar, Harness, basic safety and clean-up items. The idea is to just get out there without any worries; pave the way for the turbo build.

PPIR Track Attack 2022 Event 4&5

Doubleheader weekend was a tale of two races. The first race was great. I had RustBucket figured out, my driving style clicked with the course layout, my finish really reflected this. Sunday’s race, was challenging. I made less than perfect choices with my driving, and was hampered by a shift linkage issue which kept me from finding 3rd. I believe it needs a DSSR as that diagonal throw from 2nd to 3rd is the only one that is problematic.

For people who are focused and driven, it can be easy to get lost in the to-do list. To feel a million miles away from where you want to be. Sometimes it is good to take stock in how far you have come instead. I mean look at RustBucket, she doesn’t look too out of place parked with the Super Taikyu. The runs we put down on Saturday highlighted that the performance is coming along too in comparison. At the end we’re all human, and on Sunday, those frustrations just got the best of me.

PPIR Track Attack 2022 Event 3

RustBucket Returns!!! TJRC got a hold of a ZF trans, new driveshaft, and clutch. Thus finishing my modifications to the E36 driveline in preparation for the turbo build. In keeping with traditions, I got the car just a couple days before the race. Leaving me with limited time to adjust to RWD, new stiffer clutch engagement, and basic driving skills.

The race itself was an absolute battle. The course was fast, yet challenging. Everyone in LT got faster with each run. LT class is the perfect place for RustBucket. I was battling for a podium position all day. I just missed out on 4th by .002 seconds in the final run. That’s how close this track attack competition was. I will get faster as the rust wears off, and I acclimate to driving my track weapon again. Cannot complain at all with two races and two 5th place finishes.

PPIR Track Attack 2022 Event 2

Wait!?! That is not RustBucket?!? My beloved E36 was occupied eating its own driveshaft. What is it with this car and eating those. I swear she only has 120ish horsepower and that’s overselling it. Anyways, my friend Dan bought a modified 400+ HP Mk6 Golf R the week of the race, so we took it racing.


Modern comfort, convivence, and AWD. This car was like a cheat code for autocross. Probably covered up a lot of rust in my personal driving. I haven’t been racing since October. Its event 2, so yeah, I missed all the practice and season opener. Life, Cars, Life, Stress, we all know the deal. PPIR started a class just below GT, called LT. This was my debut in this class, and it was a great debut for a top 5 finish. That’s right I took 5th. Not a bad way to start the season if you ask me.


PPIR Track Attack 2021 Finale

I saw an improvement in my finishes over the 2021 season. Zach from ProForm gave RustBucket a dialed in suspension alignment that bumped me up inside of the top ten. At the end of the season, the rules state that the lowest two finishes are dropped from everyone’s final tally. I had to drive hard to overcome that loss of consistent points to hold on to the top ten.

The course’s layout was well suited to my driving style with RustBucket. Fast, but tight enough to put my car within striking distance of cars with much more power. I was also codriving with Dan again, so each run was getting faster. However, we found ourselves fighting the clutch. Third run it started slipping, and we just couldn’t get her to put the power down.

We couldn’t crack back into the top ten. However, finishing 12th in GT class for the season was no small feat. I am ready to take the break seriously. Get the rollbar welded in. Get a new transmission and clutch. Build the turbo set up. Come back in 2022 ready to bring the fight to the top of GT.


PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 7

Finishing top ten in GT class is no small feat. Competition is harsh. Going up against the fastest drivers and cars in the State of Colorado. On Sunday of the double header, that’s exactly what I did. The event 7 course was a modified reverse course of the Saturday race. For whatever reason the car, and my driving just clicked. I hit that place where I was just one with the car and where it was going. Amazing race, I can’t believe I put down a 51.025 for 9th.

I also had a special codriver with me. My good friend Dan thought he was just spectating… but I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. It has been years since Dan raced, so I handed him a seat in RustBucket. It was really nice having a codriver for the event. I picked up a lot of the course and flow from riding along, and it probably factored into my top ten finish.

Thank you TJRC, ProForm Suspension & Alignment, and Shogun SpeedShop… this is the first of many big finishes for RustBucket and I


PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 6

The course design was fun, and challenging, it just didn’t click with me. My smooth and clean runs were all slow, so I just leaned in to the full send side and let it slide. I guess that’s just the way it goes sometimes. Had an absolute ball tossing RustBucket all over the course.

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GridLife Alpine Horizon Fest 2021

Jumping straight into the deep end of the pool. This was my first foray into full course time attack competition. Going full send by making my debut on the national GridLife Track Battle series. Being out on track with 20 other cars at full speed was just such a rush. I’m hooked, I’m addicted.

I stayed the whole weekend, camping on the infield. The whole scene is just wild. Live music passed midnight, drift cars, rally, baja trucks, and lots, and lots of racing. Camping on the exit of NASCAR 2 was the perfect spot. Could see GLTC racing off the oval, and look right over into the infield from my tent. The only thing that was missing was sleep.

Competition wise, I’ve hit the point of diminishing returns with RustBucket. The fastest lap that I could lay down was a 1:08:045. Mistakes were made, I need to build a mount for my phone to the dash so I could improve sections with timing feedback from Track Addict. However, without adding power, the best I could hope for is 1:07.xx. That’s not going to cut it for TrackMod.

We all know what’s next. Sort out the fuel, electrical, and safety… then have TJRC complete a Turbo M50

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PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 5

What a difference a change in rubber can make. Gone are the Kenda KR20s and in are a used set of Bridgestone RE-71. Moral of the story… just pay more for your rubber. End of story. Back in the mix in GT class. This event was an incredible shakedown before GridLife.

This was my second week of representing SoCo Euros Traction Faction. This is a bit of a personal project for me. I want to bring new drivers into motorsports. Help grow the community and build something that gets people out there living their dreams. Next year I’m hoping to have drummed up enough interest to launch a team for various points championships. Stay tuned and see how this turns out…

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PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 4

Street tire testing. This has been a wet summer in Colorado so far. The probability of logging wet laps at GridLife is high. I woke up for this event to pouring rain. The first 2 runs were in active rain. No better time to test how RustBucket handles with the wet/street tires. I’m certainly glad I did too, cause this set up needed dialed to work.

Outside of tire testing, and racing without the sticky rubber; it felt so good to get back in a rhythm. First run was a 62, on a course that was actually flooded in places. I dropped that to 60, then killed a cone running a 59. That’s when I played around with tire pressure and mentally reset.

I let the hand go, it is fully healed, just send it. That is exactly what happened. Pain and injury have a way of clouding your mind. Letting that go freed me, I ran a 56, then a 53.5, and then just messing around a 52.2. This weekend the car felt 80 pounds lighter, and all that weight was in the driver’s helmet.


2021 Slush Motorsports Festival

Best $60 I’ve spent all year. I literally got a dollar a lap on the full Roval at PPIR. This show was amazing, and I hope they host again next year. There was HPDE, Drag, Drift, and a mega car show. Absolutely had a wonderful time with my racecar friends. Enjoy the video in the link below to see some passes, drift cars, and shenanigans.

No joke I put in around 60 laps in the morning HPDE session. Those laps were valuable as I could use TrackAddict to see how I compared to GridLife 2020. The results, 2 seconds a lap slower. 10-15mph slower minimum momentum through the key turns at PPIR. The tires I have are tough, barely marbled after all that abuse, but they lacked grip. This is probably a big factor into why I am struggling in GT this season. Time to get some new rubber before GridLife and see if those times fall.

Times : 2020 GridLife 1:08 , 2021 Slush 1:10


PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 3

Gone is the cast, though my right hand is still in a brace. Fortunately I have my wrist free to work the steering wheel properly through the tight corners. Event 3 featured some crazy track elements. There was a full 180 degree turn from the top of the three story banking down to the infield. The most fun element was a series of flat out slaloms across the infield curves. It was wild, and definitely a course that rewarded risks and bravado.


PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 2

I shattered my pinky in a mountain biking accident about 4 weeks ago. I showed up to the track with 3 pins in my hand and a cast. Gave it my best to go full send, but the cast limited my ability to manipulate my wrist in some of the tighter turns. This forced my to go in slower and use throttle to oversteer the car through the gates. I could also only get in 3 runs of hard driving before my hand went numb.

This made for one of the toughest events I’ve ever competed in. Far from my usual pace, but I’ll force myself to rest up and recover for the next event in just two weeks. I should have the cast off and the pins out by then. TJRC came in clutch with the ventilation work and vinyl. Interior temps are about as cool as the car looks.

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PPIR Track Attack 2021 Event 1

Leave absolutely nothing on the table, 100% full send at the track. Before the race I made a few suspension and sway bar adjustments and the car is just dialed. GT class is fiercely competitive, and until I can pony up for a turbo build on the E36 I am 100+ HP down on my competition. I am just going to do what I do best, drive to the absolute limit, and maybe a bit beyond that.

I am excited for the 2021 season after this event. RustBucket had a solid mid-pack finish in GT. I’ll take her in to Shogun Speedshop for cornerbalancing, and TJRC for ventilation ( window sliders and naca ducts). 2021 will for sure be like 2020 where the build made the car faster over the season. Stay tuned and enjoy the show.


PPIR Track Attack 2021 Practice

RustBucket enters the 2021 season with numerous weight reduction and aerodynamic modification. I am also proud to announce that Shogun Speedshop & TJRC will be sponsoring and supporting my 2021 racing season.

I spent the practice session playing with tire pressures and dialing in my set up. My fastest run was a 46.8 but I knew there was more time to be cut. I need to make a few suspension setting adjustments to get more grip to the rear wheels as RustBucket was very oversteer happy. Which is fun, but not fast. Overall pleased to be nipping at a top ten finish in GT. I just have to dial it in.

Stay Tuned… 2021 is going to get wild!!!

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PPIR Track Attack 2020 Event 7

I made a few upgrades after melting the tires into delamination in Event 6. I am trying out a set of Kenda Kaisers, increasing width from 245 to 255. I also chopped up the carbon fiber splitter from the Hyundai Tiburon PPIHC car and made it fit RustBucket. While these upgrades are legal to RA class, I am focused on running TrackMod for next year’s GridLife. The rules for TrackMod align closely to GT class at PPIR. So I figured I’d make an intorduction.

The track was cold, we’re talking 30 degrees cold, and the sun didn’t come out all day. If you have never done a cold track day… do it!!! It feels like go karting with a polished slick concrete floor. My feet and hands were busy balancing the car through understeer and oversteer. So, much, fun!!! Probably a bad time to do a tire review, but the new rubber was predictable and stable, so I am pleased. At $100/corner I will not complain. I’m prioritizing cheap rubber to maximize my development seat time.

I left PPIR excited. RustBucket is close. First outing was good for 13th in GT, a class I plan to heavily develop the car into over the next couple months. As I continue to build and develop, I do not see why I couldn’t begin to crack the top 10. I came very close to just that in my first outing.

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PPIR Track Attack 2020 Event 6

This shit-show started off hilariously. I was camping 100 miles away the night before and had to run the morning session. Let’s just say I made a few friends firing up the RustBucket E36 at 6am in the middle of the campgrounds. The first 5 miles of the drive was a dirt stage rally, and the winding passes to the track were absolutely sublime driving.

I got to the track with 40 minutes to track-walk, swap tires to the sticky rubber, and prep for the event. I had to make tape numbers as I completely forgot my magnetic numbers. During the drivers meeting I ran into my competitor Ian Cook. He had a wheel bearing go out in his MR2, so I let him codrive.

Our lap times dropped through the first three runs, but the last two were slow and absolute cone carnage. Sorry PPIR Track Attack crew. When I got home I discovered why our lap times fell to shit. We had delaminated the inside tread off the front tires. With the front right taking the brunt of the abuse; actually wearing through the cords and running flat in the garage.


GridLife Alpine Horizon 2020

GridLife was always going to be the crown jewel of my 2020 season, I just wasn’t prepared for just how incredibly successful Alpine Horizon would be for me. The RustBucket E36 was a full 5 seconds faster around the 1.3 mile roval at Pikes Peak International Raceway. Instead of pitting every 10 minutes for soft brakes, the car ran full 20 minute sessions. The chassis and suspension reinforcement work from TJRC also had the car holding minimum momentum speeds within a MPH of an F80 M3.

COVID-19 may have kept spectator numbers reduced, with social distancing respected, but the party ran strong. There were Baja trucks jumping drift cars, incredible on track battles in GLTC, motorsports under the lights. Oh, and don’t forget the music, drinking, and camping. I one hundred percent recommend going in 2021.

Goals for 2021 GridLife… I’m am taking the plunge and running TrackMod class in GridLife Track Battle. The car has proven itself to run consistent lap times in a safe manner. I plan to spend the next year building up the Rustbucket E36 for the big stage.

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PPIR Track Attack 2020 Event 5

The chassis work, and suspension set up were well worth sitting out the doubleheader events 3&4 for the 2020 season. Huge thank you to TJRC and ProForm Suspension for really dialing this car in. Go figure, the car drives a lot better without the subframe cracks and worn out suspension bushings. Ryan Sotak had a wheel bearing explode earlier in the day, so I let him codrive the RustBucket E36 with me.

A little background on Ryan. He’s fast, like proper fast. He usually runs his well sorted e36 328i in RA class, and is always in the top 3. For the three runs that we shared the RustBucket E36, I was within a quarter second of Ryan’s time in my car. Which means my driving is on point, I just gotta dial in the build.